With partners like you, we are able to provide camp for children in our local foster care system. Learn how you can get involved.

How to get involved

  • Full-time Volunteer

    Full-time volunteers will stay on-site at camp the entire week. Volunteers will strive to meet the individual needs of each camper while participating in an active environment of fun. They will provide physical and emotional safety, encourage campers, and offer campers the opportunity to discover Christ and His truth through teachable moments.

  • Event Planner

    An event planner will coordinate with our director to take over one or more of our big events that happen daily at camp. They will be fully responsible in covering every detail for their event. They will only come for their event and will not stay over night at camp.

  • Donation Partner

    Donations are the only way that camp is able to happen, and we appreciate every donation no matter how big or how small. Our donation partners can choose to make a one time payment or choose to support us in a monthly donation. These donations help cover everything from toilet paper to birthday presents.

  • Prayer Partner

    To be a prayer partner, the only thing you have to do is pray for camp. This is the easiest and most powerful way to get involved. We have seen the power of prayer played out and God work in might ways at camp. Become a prayer partner today, and start praying for our campers and volunteers.

If you would like to get involved, you can email us at rfknela@yahoo.com, or you can message us on instagram or Facebook @rfknela.